Franck Farrugia & Benjamin Grumbach

Butterfly School changes our way of thinking, amplifies our regenerative ambition, brings structure to our action, in short, influences how we see the world. The further we get into the course, the more the concepts and principles presented seem like everyday tools to...

Marie-Anne Decaux

This learning journey was like an initiation process for me: we all started out 8 weeks ago, united by our desire to learn, and we progressively discovered new pathways, new territories which were uncovered week after week. A journey made of both discovery and work,...

Isabelle Clouet

I really enjoyed this journey, which resonated very strongly with convictions I’ve had for a long time, consolidated them and made me feel less alone! I really appreciated this reconnection to living principles, and the fact that a course for business finally dared to...

Sébastien Dufour

Thank you for this excellent course. The content, format, design and reflection that we were encouraged to have was all of a level I’ve never seen in previous courses I’ve participated in. Bravo, it’s a real success and I’m looking forward to seeing how the community...