Giles Hutchins

Giles Hutchins

Giles is a coach in regenerative leadership and author. He supports business leaders to rethink their organisations as living systems. Inspired by the relationship he has developed with the ancient forest where he lives, he invites us to connect with what is alive in...
Isabelle Delannoy

Isabelle Delannoy

Isabelle is an agronomist, researcher and story-teller. From her research on sustainable innovation, she has developed a vision for a world where technology innovates in service of life, and humans are co-creators of our planet’s dynamic balance. She calls this the...
John Fullerton

John Fullerton

John followed his intuition to bring his experience in finance to explore new pathways towards regenerative capitalism. After many years on Wall Street, he founded the Capital Institute to promote ways to align the economy with the miracle of life, as understood by...
Gillian Marcelle

Gillian Marcelle

Gillian is a researcher and founder of a strategic consultancy in finance. Bringing together solid academic research and long experience in private capital markets, she invites us to rethink a financial system too intimately linked with exploitation of natural...
Fritjof Capra

Fritjof Capra

Frijov is a physicist with a passion for life sciences. He has recently synthesised decades of work on living systems into four characteristics of life, described in his book The Systems View of Life. His practice of systems thinking is founded in a multilingual...